Making Sure Your Air Conditioner is Ready for Summer – Part 1


While spring is a great time where the costs of utility bills are kept to a minimum, hotter days lie just around the corner. After a long period of not having to rely on air-conditioning units, before you know it, you’ll have them running full blast. That being said, it’s important to remember that your A/C is just about to return from an extended winter vacation, especially if you live in the upper Midwest. Below we highlight some tips that should help you get ready:

Change Filters – This is probably the most basic and simplest step to accomplish. However, you’d be surprised how often it’s neglected. A clogged up filter can hamper the operation of your A/C unit. And in some instances, may even require a costly repair. New filters are relatively inexpensive and easy to change.

Make Sure the Outside Unit is Clean – The outside conditions can cause their fair share of wear and tear on any A/C unit. To ensure that your air conditioner is ready to get rolling, make sure that debris aren’t obstructing its operation. Place an emphasis on the coils. For example, clear things like leaves, sticks and dirt from the unit. If you want to take it a step further, you can even safely use a water hose or spray cleaner to clean the coils (turn the unit off before you precede with this!).

Inspect & Clean Ductwork – You’ll want to check ducts for leaks. Making sure that indoor ductwork is sealed and safe can actually help cut down on your utility bill. In such instances, it may be a better idea to consult A/C professionals.

Check Foam on Coolant Lines – Coolant foam covers on A/C lines can deteriorate and fall apart. To help ensure that you’re getting the best efficiency from your unit, check the protective foam covering and ensure that it remains effective. If you notice it’s not up to par, consider adding new insulation (Installation is pretty easy).

It’s All About Efficiency

By taking several measures, you can ensure that your air conditioner runs effectively when it’s time to start using it on a more consistent basis. Not only will you notice that it’s working better, it could save you from costly repairs. In part 2 of this blog post, we’ll highlight even more ways to ensure that your A/C is up to par.

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