A DIY Guide to Window Weather Stripping


Making sure that the windows in your living space are properly sealed around their edges might not sound all that important, but it is. Not only does taking this measure cut down on energy costs, it more importantly ensures that you feel comfortable in the one place where you probably spend the most time: Your home.

The goal is to establish proper air control. The most effective means to do this is known as “weatherstripping,” a way for sealing air leaks by keeping the air you want inside your home, and the bad air out. Without getting too detailed, weather stripping can be accomplished by applying a strip around window edges. It’s relatively affordable and easy to apply. But exactly where do you start?

More Reasons for Weatherstripping

Air quality control is the obvious advantage of weather stripping. However, it’s not the only one. Additionally, weather stripping your home can soundproof outside noises, stop unwanted insects from entering and keep out dust particles that could otherwise cause sinus problems.

Inspecting the Current State of Your Windows

It’s likely that your windows already feature some type of protective stripping around their edges. It’s also likely that they’ve been in place for years – meaning they’ve likely eroded and become less effective. If so, it’s time they get replaced! Before you head to your local hardware store, you’ll want to make sure that you’re ready to buy the right length of product to apply as needed (use a tape measurer!).

Heading to the Store

Weatherstripping can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. However, the most common and affordable type is made out of rubber and features self-adhesive backing – meaning you simply pull off a strip of paper to reveal the side of the stripping that will simply stick to where it needs to be applied. Typically, you can find about 10 feet of stripping for between $2 to $8 dependent on which brand you’re going with.

Applying the Stripping

The simplest type of weatherstripping usually only requires two tools – a tape measurer and scissors. The stripping itself is typically applied to the edges of the window sashes (where you slide to open and close it). Before beginning, however, you’ll want to make sure that the areas where you’re about to apply the product are as clean as possible, therefore assuring that the stripping sticks properly.

  1. Remove any old stripping. Also use a wet cloth to remove dust and anything else that might have stuck.
  2. Wait a couple minutes to let the areas dry.
  3. Measure out the window edges with your yardstick and cut the stripping accordingly.
  4. Place the tip of the stripping along the window edge
  5. Begin to slowly pull off the paper on the adhesive back, pressing the sticky part of the stripping down firmly as you slowly apply it to your windows.
  6. Close your window to ensure that that it still properly functions.
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