End of Summer Furnace Maintenance Tips

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We still have to make it through the dog days of August, but the heat you’re avoiding today is something you’ll want in your home this fall. You probably haven’t thought about your furnace in months, but now is the time to give it a checkup and ensure it’s working correctly. You’re going to want to make sure it starts quickly, operates safely and works as efficiently as possible. If something is wrong, it’s better to know about it now than during a cold snap. So while your hats, mittens and jackets might be stowed away, give your HVAC equipment some attention before summer ends and you’ll be thankful you did later on.

Change Your Filters

If there’s one thing you do to maintain your HVAC system before cold weather hits, change your filter. Ask anyone who’s had the same home comfort system for over a decade how they’ve kept things running smoothly, and chances are they’ll tell you regular filter changes are a must. As we’ve said before, your furnace must work harder to push air through an old filter. That takes extra energy, and in turn, extra money from your wallet. Too much stress and you could be stuck footing the bill for a completely new HVAC system. Furnace filters cost less in the summertime, so stockpile enough for the winter today.

Check Burners and Blowers

Over the summer, dust tends to build up on a furnace burner. It’s important to check the burners before your system kicks in and get rid of the debris before it becomes a fire hazard. Make sure the burner has no rust and is properly aligned in the furnace for smooth operations. The furnace blower motor also requires some attention. You should oil it once a year to avoid failure and prevent unwanted noises down the line. You will need to turn off the circuit breaker for the furnace area before removing the motor. Find the oil ports and put a few drops in each one. When you’ve reinstalled the blower motor, give your furnace a test run to make sure everything is working.

Check Your Vents

During the summer, you may have moved a piece of furniture without realizing you were covering up a vent. If a supply vent is obstructed, it can’t release warm air and keep your home comfortable. Even worse, it could cause your furnace to overheat and require a costly repair if it breaks down. Your vents help to keep you comfortable, but they also present a fire hazard if flammable materials are nearby. Prevent a disaster and clear the area around your heat sources. It’s not just air output that matters – be sure to check your return vents (the ones that draw air in) for obstructions that could suffocate your HVAC system. Clear vents give you a more efficient furnace, so keep your eyes peeled for any problems.

You don’t have to do it all alone! You can leave the hard work to us and get the most out of your furnace this fall and winter. Our experts will take care of your filters, burners, blowers and much more during every maintenance visit. Not only will your home feel comfortable, you will feel more comfortable knowing that your HVAC system is well maintained. The best fix for a broken furnace is to stop it from breaking in the first place. While there are some things you can tackle on your own, it’s best to leave the more complicated tasks to a professional. Choose a plan that works for you and get started!

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